Tuesday, September 07, 2010

11 Months

What you've been up to this month:

* You’re dancing skills have improved! You’ve added some hip action to your dance repertoire.

* Your new favorite song is "Baby Leah" (aka "Silly Willy").

* You are a pro at walking now.

* Your favorite places to explore are the refrigerator, pantry, and bathroom... of course, all of the places you’re not allowed!

* You're sleeping through the night 90% of the time.

* You learned a new word: BABA = bottle.

* We can finally have peaceful dinners together. We purchased a new booster seat for you. This one actually keeps you in! No more standing on the high chair or climbing out.

* You’ve learned how to sign “all done.”

* You love to play with your BFF Norah. You always have a big smile on your face when daddy drops you off at Sarah's on Tuesday's.

* You love your fruits and vegetables. A few of your favorites are bananas, grapes, and peas.

* You know how to turn off the lights.

* You went to the Iowa State Fair for the first time.

* You are such a social butterfly. You love saying hi and good bye to complete strangers, e.g., the lady behind us at the check-out register and the man walking his dog across the street.

* You love love LOVE music.

* You have learned to climb onto the couch.

* You're even a pro at getting off the couch, bed, or anything high up. You've figured out that you must go down with your feet first.

* You hate loud noises, especially the vacuum and blender.

* You got four new teeth this month!

* You love when mommy brushes your teeth. You think it’s so silly!

* You love giving kisses. Actually, I just overheard your dad lecturing you on this. This is what he said: "You know someday, Leah, you'll learn that giving open mouth kisses is not always appropriate." :)

WOW... just one more month till you turn one! Where has the time gone?! We love you!

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