Monday, February 14, 2011

Leah on her trike with the GoPro

The cold weather has kept Leah and me indoors more than I would like. Luckily the wood floors are great for racing:

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Leah's First Birthday Party

We're snowed in today, which has given me the perfect opportunity to finally post pictures from Leah's birthday party. Leah celebrated her first birthday back in October. We invited family and friends to our home for a Tea Party.

Birthday girl is ONE!

We served tea sandwiches, salad, and an array of yummy treats,
compliments of Grandma Bobbi and me.

Can't have a tea party without TEA... and lemonade.

We used the shelves in our dining room to display photos from Leah's first year.

Leah was a pro at opening her presents.

Leah LOVED her cupcake...

My family could not make it to Iowa for Leah's birthday, so they watched Leah open her presents and eat her cupcake via skype.

My first attempt at making my own icing... they were tasty, but sooo much work!

I had so much fun planning Leah's birthday party. I don't think I could have asked for things to turn out any better.

Hmmm... what should we do for her 2nd birthday?
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