Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nap Time For Leah

Nap time for Leah... with an emphasis on time (and none on nap).

Even though Leah has mastered standing up she still has not perfected sitting down. As a result, when she stands up she often gets stuck... and has to wait for someone to get her.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Look at that foot... I love my daughter!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our Little Peanut is walking...

well sort of. With the help of her activity center she's walking! She gets so excited that she just keeps going around it in circles. It's so adorable to watch!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

California - Part 2

Few more pictures of Leah from last weekend. Enjoy!

Friday, April 16, 2010


Last weekend Leah and I flew out to California for my friend Karra's wedding. Brett decided to stay in Iowa to study for his comps... finally some peace and quiet!

I really enjoyed showing Leah off to all of our friends and family back home; for most, this was their first time meeting Leah.

I felt bad because I was always on the go so Leah did not get much sleep. But she was such a trooper... I could not have asked for a better baby!

Here are some photos of the weekend:

Four Generations

Siblings + Leah sleeping

Uncle Ryan, Auntie Amy, and Cousin Fletcher

Kroeze Wedding

We enjoyed being part of Karra and Craig's wedding. Congrats to them both!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

6 Months

Our Little Peanut is 6 months today. Yesterday we had her appointment and the Doctor was amazed with how advanced she is. She could not stop commenting on her alertness and then when we told her that Leah was crawling already she was shocked. She doesn't think she's had a 6 month old that could crawl... that's usually a milestone at 8 or 9 months! We are so proud of our little girl.

Height: 26 in - 50th %
Weight: 13.5 lb - 10th %

What you've been up to this month:

* You can crawl! We have to keep a close eye on you now because if you see something you like, you can get to it. Your favorite things to crawl to are the laptop cord and heating vent.
* You had your first cold... lots of coughing and sneezing. But now you're all better.
* You love to go on the swings at the park.
* You are still eating 1st Foods. There isn't much that you do not like.
* You are talking more.
* You do not like getting your diaper changed. The minute we lay you down you try to flip over onto your stomach. It's a constant struggle to keep you still!
* You no longer need to be swaddled at night.
* You love to sleep on your belly.
* You can turn on your aquarium all by yourself. We normally think you are still napping, but we'll hear you talking and check on you. Instead you'll be awake and staring at the aquarium in your crib.
* Your sleep patterns have changed. You can go longer in between each nap.

You impress us everyday with your new talents. We love you so much!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My Teddy Bear

Now that the weather is finally warming up, we are able to show Leah the wonderful outdoors! Since she was born in October, her entire life has basically consisted of our house, church, and the mall. Here is a picture we took of her on our walk to downtown... it is so nice living in walking distance to everything.

She is bundled up, but that is because she was recovering from a little cold. She's all better now!

Saturday, April 03, 2010


He is Risen. He is Risen indeed.

Have a wonderful Easter!

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