Friday, May 21, 2010


"What's the matter momma...
I thought you said I could eat these wipes."

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tea Party

Today I hosted a tea party for our play group. We had such a great time sharing mommy stories and enjoying each others' company. The kids were even cooperative long enough to let us have a nice sit down meal.

The Menu:
Fruit Skewers
Blueberry Muffins
Salad with craisins, toasted almonds, feta cheese, and balsamic vinigeratte
Cucumber Mint Sandwiches
Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Carrot Cake Sandwiches
Pomegranate Blueberry Tea
Cranberry Orange Tea

The reason why we gather for mommy time:

Norah Renee

Leah Faith

Logan Wayne

Anna Marie

Thanks to Sarah and Norah, Holly and Logan, and April and Anna Marie for enjoying this belated Mother's Day Brunch with me and Leah.

Thanks to my mother-in-law Bobbi for helping me with some of the prep work and clean-up.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

7 Months

Our Little Peanut turned 7 months last Friday. It's crazy how fast these last few months have gone by. My baby is getting to be so big!

What you've been up to this month:

* You went on your first airplane ride.
* You visited mommy and daddy's home state of California for the first time and met all of your extended family.
* You are a pro at sitting, although you love to sit on things... your toys, daddy's leg, mommy's head!
* You can pull yourself up to a standing position on your own.
* You love to eat, but would prefer to feed yourself.
* You can sit in a high chair at restaurants and eat table foods. You've had rice, beans, potatoes, and noodles.
* You still do not like getting your diaper changed. That's too long for such a big girl to be sitting still!
* Your first teeth came in; the front two on the bottom. And boy were you a crankster!
* We supplemented with formula for the first time. Mommy is still breastfeeding, but that may end soon since you've turned into a biter... ouch!
* You love to babble as loud as you possibly can... especially when other people are around to hear, such as the supermarket.
* You love to walk in circles around your activity station.
* You are still wearing your 0-3 month jeans. They are perfect around your waist, but you're starting to flood a little in them.
* You like to dance whenever you hear music playing.
* You are a very fast crawler, and you love to try and pull cords out of the wall.
* You have the cutest most contagious laugh ever!
* Some of the things you find hilarious: peek-a-boo, mommy wearing her sunglasses on her head, daddy giving belly kisses.

Saturday, May 08, 2010


On Friday I had the oral defense of my comprehensive exams. The defense lasted about two and a half hours, and after answering question after question from my dissertation committee I was asked to leave the room while they evaluated my performance. After about five minutes they let me know that I had passed.

Passing my comprehensive exams is a huge achievement, not only do I get to start work on my dissertation I also receive another masters degree in philosophy.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Babysitting Leah

Last Thursday Brett took the first portion of his comprehensive exams. Since it was an all day event (7 hour test), and I could not take time off from work, our good friend Sarah agreed to babysit Leah. Leah had a fun day hanging with Sarah and Sarah's 8 month old daughter, Norah. Here are some pics from the day.

I wish I could have been there... it's so exciting to finally see them at an age where they can interact with one another!

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