Friday, April 16, 2010


Last weekend Leah and I flew out to California for my friend Karra's wedding. Brett decided to stay in Iowa to study for his comps... finally some peace and quiet!

I really enjoyed showing Leah off to all of our friends and family back home; for most, this was their first time meeting Leah.

I felt bad because I was always on the go so Leah did not get much sleep. But she was such a trooper... I could not have asked for a better baby!

Here are some photos of the weekend:

Four Generations

Siblings + Leah sleeping

Uncle Ryan, Auntie Amy, and Cousin Fletcher

Kroeze Wedding

We enjoyed being part of Karra and Craig's wedding. Congrats to them both!

1 comment:

  1. Loved those pictures! We had a great time with Meg and Leah. Thank you, Brett, for allowing us to enjoy our girls. Can't wait to see all 3 of you again!

    Dad and Mom


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