Wednesday, June 09, 2010

8 Months

What you've been up to this month:

* You said your first word: Dada! You've also started to say mama, but only when you're upset.
* You love to wave goodbye to everyone.
* Your favorite song is the theme song for X-Files. Every time it's on you drop everything you're doing, stare at the TV, and bounce up and down.
* You love to smack your lips and say BAH BAH.
* You are able to walk around furniture.
* You love to watch daddy work in his new garage.
* You are becoming more and more attached to your mommy and daddy.
* We cannot give you any paper. If we do, you'll eat it!
* You are starting to prefer solids. You normally refuse baby food after the first few bites.
* You can drink through a straw.
* You had several other "firsts":
- First camping trip
- First boat ride
- First ride on a ski lift
- First trolley ride
- First meal at a restaurant (though the jr. pancake ended up being larger than your head!)
- First time in a pool
- First trip to Illinois
* According to Baby Center, your eye color should be set by now. That means you have either green, grey, or hazel eyes. They are so beautiful!
* When you are in your stroller you love to spread your legs as far as you can and rest them on the side bars. It makes everyone that we pass giggle.
* You love to look in the mirror at yourself and make funny faces.
* Sometimes, after you've been asleep for a few hours, I like to sneak into your room, pick you up, and rock you back and forth. And while you're in my arms I sing to you.

I love you baby girl. You make mommy and daddy so proud, each and every day, with your new accomplishments.


1 comment:

  1. You are such a big girl now, Leah! We enjoy seeing pictures of our always joyful granddaughter.

    ...AND...please give Dad a big hug for us and tell him "Happy Birthday, Mr. Peanut"!!

    Love you!

    Grandpa and Grandma McCoy


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