Wednesday, July 07, 2010

9 Months

Leah got an A+ from the doctor at her 9 month checkup. Here are her stats:

Height: 27 in - 50th %
Weight: 16 lbs 9 oz - 12th %

What you've been up to this month:

* You have the most contagious laugh.
* You are definitely a mommy's girl. Where ever mommy is, you want to be.
* You are still not the best sleeper... maybe next month you'll sleep through the night? ::crossing fingers::
* You are a morning person. You love to wake up at 6am and scream, just for the heck of it. Then after an hour of doing that you'll go back to bed for two hours.
* You started swim classes with Daddy. The instructors have said that you are the most comfortable baby they've seen in the water. You're also the youngest by a couple of years!
* You can clap! If you hear someone say "Yay!" you will start to clap.
* You love to grunt... is this what daddy teaches you while mommy's at work???
* You are a climber! There have been times when we're not watching and you're half way up the stairs.
* You love to try and help load the dishwasher... though you always seem to make more of a mess!
* You've figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets. You love to grab everything and throw them on the kitchen floor. You've also figured out how to climb in the cabinets.

* You are our social butterfly. You love to wave at everyone you see.
* You still cannot walk on your own, but you love to use your walker or the laundry basket to walk around the house.
* You are no longer the youngest cousin. Cousin McKenna was born on June 17th. Next month your cousin Jack is due. Auntie Mindy is also pregnant with a new baby cousin. He or she will be born in December. So many new friends to play with!

You are such a sweet natured baby; always happy to be around. We could not be more proud to call you our own. We love you!

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