Saturday, August 07, 2010

10 Months

What you've been up to this month:

* Your favorite game to play is chase with your daddy. You think it's so funny when he crawls after you around the house.
* You love to point at everything.
* You've even added pointing to your dancing... you'll start pointing your fingers to the sky while you bounce up and down to music. It's very cute!
* You are crazy! You are the most energetic baby I know. You always have to be on the move.
* You love to yell. Daddy says you're just warming up your vocal cords for your future singing career.
* To mommy and daddy's dismay, you've become more stubborn. You show us you're upset if we don't give you what you want.
* You can sort of say "Uhh Oh", though it sounds more like "Oh Oh."
* You took your first steps!
* You went on your first road trip. We drove through Nebraska, Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, and Wyoming. You were such a trooper in the long car rides!
* You went to Disneyland for the first time and thanks to mommy's friend Alex, you had a private meeting with Belle.
* You visited the Aquarium of the Pacific with Aunt Amy and cousins Fletcher and McKenna. You loved looking at all of the sealife.
* You like to play peak-a-boo while you're in the car seat. You'll hold the blanket over your face and pull it down when mommy says "BOO!"
* Your top two front teeth came in!
* You're getting more hair. It is very light and it has a reddish tint to it.
* Your new favorite thing to do is growl at people. Once again, I think you get this from your father. I may need to have a talk with him about this.
* You are talking more and more.
* You spent your first day in prison. Hopefully it was your last day too! :)

Wyoming Frontier Prison

* We took you to the beach for the first time. Your favorite thing to do was eat the sand. Silly girl!
* You can eat the same meals mommy and daddy eat, plus a few others (see above).
* You are showing more of an interest in cartoons.
* You have a new cousin. Cousin Jack Riley was born on July 21st.

Several people have stopped mommy and daddy to tell us how beautiful you are. We had a guy stop us twice in Vegas to tell us that you needed to be on television. Another person stopped us at the grocery store to tell us that we needed to have more kids since you're so beautiful.

I normally try not to brag, but I've come to realize that it's my job as your mother. If I did not brag about you, there would be something wrong with me! Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but you have such a great personality and sweet soul. We could not be more proud!

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