Thursday, October 07, 2010

Happy Birthday Leah!

Height: 29.5 in (59%)
Weight: 17 lb 8 oz (5%: you are Daddy's petite little girl!)

Dr. Loeb told us that even though you are small, developmentally you are very advanced. You have already reached the physical and mental benchmarks of a 15-18 month old. Being 6 months ahead when you are only 12 months old is very impressive!

What you've been up to this month:

* You started gymnastics. You are a pro at crawling through the tunnels, but you're still unsure about jumping on the trampoline and into the foam pit.
* You love to say hi to everyone... one, two, even three times until you get their attention.
* You love climbing the stairs, even when mom and dad tell you no. When we say no, it always sounds like you are saying yes back.
* You love to play with mommy's makeup.
* You're attention span seems to be getting better. You can sit down to read a few pages from a book (before you start trying to eat the book).
* You know what sounds a doggy makes. If you hear a dog barking, you will start barking along with it.
* You still get confused for a boy (but probably only because daddy dresses you).
* You prefer your bottle over your sippie cup.
* There was a recall on your formula so we transitioned you over to whole milk a few weeks early.
* You love to try and climb up the slides at the park.
* You named your doll 'baby' and will go find her when we ask "where is baby?"
* You love to play your piano; with one hand, two hands, two hands and a foot, or even your butt!
* You can walk all the way to the park without having to be carried at all!

I can't believe you are already a year old. You are such a big girl now. Your father and I have been blessed beyond words these last 12 months. Thank you for being a wonderful daughter. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us in the years to come.

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