Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our Day at the Beach

While we were in California, we went to the beach to take photos with Brett's side of the family. Leah looked so cute with her bow and mini skirt...

Leah Before

She loved playing in the sand and running around. Unfortunately, our adventurous little girl got too close to the water... the next thing we knew Leah was saying, "Uh Oh momma."

I was tempted to leave her in the outfit, since she looked so cute. But Brett, the more rational one in our relationship, convinced me that she needed to be changed out of her drenched clothes.

Of course we forgot to pack a change of clothes. Luckily, Leah's cousins came to the rescue. Cousin Jack let Leah borrow a pair of pants and cousin Mckenna let her borrow a sweater. Good thing Leah can still fit in to size 6 months!

Leah After

Despite the early setback, we had a great time at the beach. Leah LOVED it! We also came away with some really great photos. Remembering how much fun the beach is makes us miss living in California even more.

Family Photo

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