Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Favorite Things - 20 Months

Show: anything that involves Mickey Mouse or Elmo
Book: "Yummy Yucky"
Food: blueberries and strawberries
Lovey: paci and sippy cup
Game: moving/throwing her toys around/all over the house

here she is pushing her refrigerator through the
kitchen and into the living room

Toy: whatever mommy and daddy are playing with
Treat: ice cream

Friend: too many to name... she's a popular girl!
Other: loves to sing and shop with her mommy!
Song: "Part of this World" - Ariel; "The Lazy Song" (or as Leah likes to call it, "The Monkey Song") - Bruno Mars

1 comment:

  1. what the fuck is on her chin? she prob sucks her grampys dick she looks like a slut


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