Friday, January 07, 2011

Our Little Chatter Box

Leah continues to change right before our eyes. She is communicating with us more and more (or at least trying to communicate more and more).

Signs you know:
-all done

Words you know:
- Mama
- Dada
- Baba (bottle)
- Wawa (water)
- Book (but without the "k")
- Paci (but it sounds more like "Pa" without the "ci")
- Baby
- Chip
- Cookie
- Cracker
- Hi
- Bye
- Yes (whenever we tell you no)
- Uh Oh
- Nana (banana)
- Night Night
- Hat
- Shoes
- Car
- All done

Sounds you know:
-Woof Woof for dog
-Meow for cat
-Moo for cow
-Baa for sheep
-Grrr for lion, bear
-Naah for horse
-Quack for duck
-Beep Beep for car

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