Sunday, May 09, 2010

7 Months

Our Little Peanut turned 7 months last Friday. It's crazy how fast these last few months have gone by. My baby is getting to be so big!

What you've been up to this month:

* You went on your first airplane ride.
* You visited mommy and daddy's home state of California for the first time and met all of your extended family.
* You are a pro at sitting, although you love to sit on things... your toys, daddy's leg, mommy's head!
* You can pull yourself up to a standing position on your own.
* You love to eat, but would prefer to feed yourself.
* You can sit in a high chair at restaurants and eat table foods. You've had rice, beans, potatoes, and noodles.
* You still do not like getting your diaper changed. That's too long for such a big girl to be sitting still!
* Your first teeth came in; the front two on the bottom. And boy were you a crankster!
* We supplemented with formula for the first time. Mommy is still breastfeeding, but that may end soon since you've turned into a biter... ouch!
* You love to babble as loud as you possibly can... especially when other people are around to hear, such as the supermarket.
* You love to walk in circles around your activity station.
* You are still wearing your 0-3 month jeans. They are perfect around your waist, but you're starting to flood a little in them.
* You like to dance whenever you hear music playing.
* You are a very fast crawler, and you love to try and pull cords out of the wall.
* You have the cutest most contagious laugh ever!
* Some of the things you find hilarious: peek-a-boo, mommy wearing her sunglasses on her head, daddy giving belly kisses.

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