Friday, April 08, 2011

St Louis Trip - Part 1

We made the most of Brett's Spring Break by taking a trip to St. Louis. The four hour drive was well worth the added excitement. It was nice to get out of Iowa City so that we could show Leah that there is more to do during the winter then just hanging out at the mall...

We met up with Brett's old roommate, Josh, who was able to show us all the cool places to visit. One of those places was the Zoo. Leah loved it...

The chimps would come up to the glass and stare back at all the people standing on the other side. It was so cool to see them so up close.

Each time we tried to take a picture of Leah near the reptiles she would get this concerned look on her face and repeat "NO!" until we took her away. She was not a fan. I guess she takes after her mommy.

This was the best photo I could get of her near the lizards... she is already trying to get as far away from the glass as possible.

Leah loved riding the "choo choo" around the entire zoo. There were four stops on the ride for people to get on and off, and each time we'd stop she would look up at us and sign "more."

Cool play area for tots...

Leah and daddy enjoying the warm weather at the zoo.

Leah loved seeing all the animals, especially since she had read about most of them in her books. We also took full advantage of the warm weather. It was a treat to finally be able to walk around outside without a jacket on.

Stay tuned for more pics from our trip...

1 comment:

  1. Our Zoo trips were alway so enjoyable. Glad you had great time in St. Louis. We would have to go to LA Zoo when you are out here. Miss you all!


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